ASR10: "Sans album" - Charles premier
Experimental, field recording, ambient, noise

Coproduction Alter Sonic records and Gronde Murmure (GM36)

Contrat Creative Commons

L’artiste a créé en 2010 un espace numérique intitulé "Sans album" qui devait être alimenté au fil du temps en entités sans lien entre elles. Elles ne devaient pas être regroupées en un album mais l’artiste en a décidé autrement pour être en phase avec sa démarche. "Sans album" comprend donc des entités qui ont déjà une existence, plus ou moins affirmée, et des inédites. Des entités, appelées extra tracks, qui n’ont pas été retenues du fait de leur incompatibilité avec l’orientation donnée à l’album, sont accessibles en bas de page.

L’artiste conseille d’écouter l’album sans connaître la durée des entités, systématiquement dévoilée par les lecteurs audio. Une écoute ainsi libérée ramènera l’album à sa réalité et son essence sera d’autant mieux révélée.

The artist has created in 2010 a digital space entitled "Sans album" which was to be powered over time in unrelated entities. These entities would stay outside an album but, for being in tune with his approach, the artist decided otherwise to regroup them together. So "Sans album" includes entities that already have an existence more or less assertive, and some previously unreleased. Because of their incompatibility with the orientation given to the album, some entities, called extra tracks, have not been selected but are available just below.

The artist advises to listen to the album without knowing the duration of entities, always indicated by the audio players. This liberated listening will bring the album in full reality, and its meaning will be even better revealed.


To listen and download:

To listen and for a mp3 free download:

To listen and for a better flac audio quality download: Bandcamp


To buy the CD-R version:

sold in a carefully and tastefully hand-made packaging

France: 10 euros shipping included

Europe/Rest of the World: 11 euros shipping included


If any question, please contact us: contactaltersonic (@) gmail (.) com


Extra tracks

Released a half months after "Sans album", extra tracks are the entities that complete the album. They have not been selected to be released with the official album because of their incompatibility with the orientation given to the album. Extra tracks are exclusively released by Alter Sonic records, only in digital version. To download them, please ckick here.

Contrat Creative Commons


About Charles premier:

Click here.